Works as executed - information we require
When contractors complete works for the City, they must provide us with the information listed in the documents below, and the information must be provided in the following file formats: drawings must be provided in both .pdf and .dwg/dxf file formats, and set-out co-ordinates must be provided in .xls or .csv file formats.
Essential information required for every plan(DOCX, 12KB)
The documents below specify the information contractors must provide us for these specific types assets.
Bridges(DOCX, 12KB)
Buildings(DOCX, 13KB)
Bus shelters(DOCX, 12KB)
Footpaths(DOCX, 12KB)
Open space(DOCX, 13KB)
Roads(DOCX, 12KB)
Stormwater(DOCX, 14KB)
Water and sewer(PDF, 325KB)