The Coffs Harbour Movement and Place Strategy(PDF, 9MB) provides an action plan for the next 20 years to improve walking and cycling networks, bus services, and the City's roads and streets to contribute to a better place to live, work and play.
The development of the strategy has been led by the City in collaboration with Transport for NSW and other NSW Government agencies.
The strategy was adopted by Council on 28 September 2023. The Strategy received NSW Government ministerial approval for co-branding in January 2024.
The strategy sets out a number of goals called the 10 Big Moves:
- Improving our walking and cycling networks
- Better streets
- Improving our public transport services
- Investing in our blue and green grid (more street trees and linking and protecting our network of open spaces and waterways with paths)
- Beyond the bypass
- Connecting the city’s key precincts and growth areas
- Careful parking management
- Connecting our communities
- Shovel-ready projects to create great places
- Harnessing technology
In line with the strategy, the City has been supporting Transport for NSW and bus operators to provide simplified, more direct, and more frequent bus services. See how Transport for NSW is improving our bus network - Better bus services for Coffs
Starting with Country

What is Movement and Place?
In the past we’ve considered roads as just a way to get vehicles from A to B. Movement and Place recognises that streets are not just about moving people and goods – they are also places for people to live, work and spend time. Movement and Place is about getting the right mix of transport in the right locations to create places we can all enjoy.
Movement and Place considers the whole street including footpaths, from property line to property line. It takes into account the needs of all users of this space, including pedestrians, cyclists, deliveries, private vehicles and public transport, as well as people spending time in those places, whether moving around the place or enjoying street life including outdoor dining, waiting for a bus or watching the world go by.