Coffs Harbour Development Control Plan 2015

Development Control Plans (DCPs) provide detailed planning and design guidelines that support the planning controls contained within a Local Environmental Plan (LEP).

Development proposals are required to meet the objectives and requirements of relevant DCP controls that may be contained within more than one part of this Plan, unless alternative solutions are proposed that will provide a better response to meeting the objectives of this Plan.

Which DCP controls apply?

Each chapter of the DCP covers each DCP control:

  • Applies to Land
  • Objectives
  • Requirements
  • Exceptions (if applicable)
  • Notes (if applicable)

It is the responsibility of applicants to determine the relevant chapters and DCP controls applicable to the proposed development. Where there is an inconsistency between any Chapters within this Plan, then we may use our discretion to ascertain which Chapter will prevail.

Compliance with the provisions of this Plan does not guarantee that development consent will be granted. We must, in relation to development applications, also take into consideration all other relevant matters listed under section 4.15 Evaluation of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.  Find out more about the development assessment process.


Employment zones have recently been updated by the NSW Government. Changes to employment zones within Coffs Harbour LEP 2013 commenced on 26 April 2023. As of this date, a reference in a document to a former zone under an environmental planning instrument is taken to include a reference to a new zone under the environmental planning instrument. To determine the new zone for previously zoned Business and Industrial land, please refer to the published equivalent zones tables.

Corresponding changes to Coffs Harbour Development Control Plan 2015 were adopted by Council on the 27 April 2023 and came into force on the 28 April 2023.

NB: Document means an Act, statutory or other instrument, contract or agreement, and includes a document issued or made under or for the purposes of an Act or statutory or other instrument.

For the Coffs Harbour LGA, this means the following zone names are changed:

Superceded name

New name (now current)

Zone E1 – National Parks & Nature Reserves

Zone C1 – National Parks and Nature Reserves

Zone E2 – Environmental Conservation

Zone C2 – Environmental Conservation

Zone E3 – Environmental Management

Zone C3 – Environmental Management

Zone B1 – Neighbourhood Centre

Zone B2 - Local Centre

Zone E1 - Local Centre

Zone B3 - Commercial Core

Zone E2 - Commercial Centre

Zone B4 - Mixed Use

Zone MU1 - Mixed Use

Zone B5 - Business Development

Zone B6 - Enterprise Corridor

Zone E3 - Productivity Support

Zone IN1 - General Industrial

Zone E4 - General Industrial

Zone IN3 - Heavy Industrial

Zone E5 - Heavy Industrial

Zone IN4 - Working Waterfront

Zone W4 -Working Waterfront


Coffs Harbour DCP 2015 online

City of Coffs Harbour adopted the Coffs Harbour DCP 2015 on 24 September 2015. It came into force on 21 October 2015. DCP 2015 applies to all land in the Coffs Harbour Local Government Area that Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan 2013 (LEP 2013) applies to.

The Coffs Harbour DCP 2015 is available online and features map-based controls and easy navigation between chapters and to relevant external legislation, policies and guidelines. 

Note: Please check DCP amendments below.

View the Coffs Harbour DCP 2015

Council at its Meeting of 14 December 2023 adopted an amendment to Coffs Harbour DCP 2015 to introduce new controls for the Argyll Estate Precinct. The new controls came into force on 12 February 2024 and can be viewed via the following link until they are included within Coffs Harbour DCP 2015.

Council at its Meeting of 13 June 2024 adopted a new Laneways Policy and an amendment to Coffs Harbour DCP 2015 to introduce new controls for Laneways to provide a framework to guide the City in its use and management of laneways, with an aim to bring vibrancy to commercial areas, facilitate infill housing, enable safer shared spaces within laneways and support events and activation within laneways. The new controls for Laneways came into force on 2 July 2024 and can be viewed via the following link until they are included within Coffs Harbour DCP 2015.

Council at its Meeting of 11 July 2024 adopted an amendment to Coffs Harbour DCP 2015 to implement actions from the Coffs Harbour Local Growth Management Strategy 2020. The new controls came into force on 24 July 2024 and can be viewed via the following link until they are included within Coffs Harbour DCP 2015.