Emerald Beach Reserve Upgrade

  • Project typeReserve upgrade
  • Project stageStart date to be confirmed
emerald beach plan.PNG

Emerald Beach Reserve will be upgraded in line with the endorsed master plan. The upgrade is being jointly funded by the City and the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) through the Coffs Coast Regional Park Trust.

The City is currently awaiting final approval from the NPWS to deliver upgrades at the site.

NPWS have advised that new information has been identified as part of the Regional Park’s broader Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Report (ACHAR), with the site having a high potential for containing artifacts of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage.

Therefore, NPWS will undertake an additional environmental assessment called an Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (AHIP), before they approve the City commencing work to deliver a new playground and other amenities at the Reserve. The City acknowledges the importance of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage and supports a thorough assessment before any works are undertaken.

The City will provide a further update when a revised start date for the upgrades can be confirmed.

View a detailed design plan here(PDF, 10MB).  

The works will include:  

  • New playground 

  • New amenities with lifeguard storage 

  • New picnic / events shelter 

  • Connecting paths/ supporting infrastructure

During Constuction no toilets or showers will be available. See the map for area of works here(PDF, 4MB)

Dogs are prohibited on Emerald Beach. However, during the construction period, an exemption allows dogs on leash for direct access to Fiddamans Beach only. Please see the Map for beach access here(PDF, 2MB)

Examples of the proposed park items are available to view here: Proposed Park Items(PDF, 2MB)

City of Coffs Harbour invited the community to select a new playground design in August 2024, and the following design was chosen.

Emerald Beach Playground Design

During construction no toilets or showers will be available. The playground will be unavailable and two of the beach entries will also be closed.

Playground Design


What is the start date?

We will provide an update to the community once a new start date for the project is confirmed.


What has caused the delay in the commencement of the project?

The site has been identified as having a high potential for Aboriginal Cultural Heritage, and NPWS is preparing an AHIP to ensure that Aboriginal Cultural Heritage is protected and not harmed without adequate consideration and approval.

Will amenities be available during construction?

The showers, toilets, and dog wash will be demolished and will be inaccessible behind a safety fence during construction. The new design will feature two new showers, a dog wash, and upgraded toilet and amenity facilities.



Will the playground be available during construction?

The playground will be unavailable during construction as the existing structure will be demolished and replaced with an upgraded version.


Can I access the beach?

Two beach entries will be closed during construction, but access will remain available through the southern entrance.



Dog Beach access

Dogs are prohibited on Emerald Beach. However, during the construction period, an exemption allows dogs on leash for direct access to Fiddamans Beach only.



Will parking be impacted?

There will be no impact to current parking arrangements.



What impact will the works have on the Emerald Beach Community Fair?

The City is aware that the Emerald Beach Community Fair is taking place on 7 June 2025. We intend to schedule the works so that the Fair scheduling is not impacted, which may mean that works will not recommence until after the Fair.


The master plan includes some designs that will be subject to future budget.  Aspects of the design not yet funded include:  

  • Road realignment with carparking and path
  • Additional overflow carparking
  • Picnic shelter and Landscaping
Coffs Coast Regional Park

Emerald Beach Reserve forms part of the Coffs Coast Regional Park, which covers 27 kilometres of coastline. It is governed by a NSW Government-appointed Coffs Coast Regional Park Trust Board of community representatives, including Aboriginal Elders and representatives of Coffs Harbour City Council and the National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Visit the Coffs Coast Regional Park page on NSW Parks and Wildlife website



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Fiddaman Road, Emerald Beach 2456  View Map

Google Map