New Middle Creek Flood Studies on Exhibition
Published on 30 September 2021
An updated flood study and floodplain risk management plan for the Middle Creek catchment areas in Sawtell and Toormina is out for community comment from today (Thursday, 30 September) until 1 November 2021.
The Middle Creek catchment is a small catchment with a total area of just over six square kilometres and includes the urban areas of Sawtell and Toormina. The previous flood management plan was completed in 1998.
Council was able to secure funding through the NSW Government Floodplain Management grant program to carry out a review and engaged consultants to undertake a new draft flood study and floodplain risk management plan.
The resulting draft Flood Study incorporates advances in techniques and technology, rainfall and river level data and updates to the national guideline for flood estimation – to provide a better understanding of potential flood behaviour within the catchment.
Observations from flood events in recent years show that the new flood model developed for the Study provides a good match between estimated and actual flood levels.
The new Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan outlines a detailed assessment of the impacts of flooding to the community and evaluated and recommended a range of management options to control or mitigate flood risk.
An online information session will be held on 14 October at 5pm for community members interested in learning more about the draft studies and plan.
To sign up to the information session, or provide feedback on the draft Studies and Plan, please visit the project page on Council's Have Your Say website.